He established the first Tuna farm of Turkey in Antalya and started the exportation to Japan. Tuna farm still continues to be one of the most important farms of Mediterranean as of the day it was established. He established TSM Sea Products Company in the same year in order to carry out tuna farm activities.
He established Marines Food Products Company in order to provide service to the domestic market. National and International wholesale-retail chains operating in Turkey and HORECA sale channels are provided hundreds of various product sales via Marines Food.
Production facilities operated in Sinop in 2006 and in Tekirdag in 2008.
He established Merlion Sea Products Companies in order to import both fresh and frozen fish and sea products from different countries of the world. Thanks to this, Group Sagun is the most important sea products exporter company of Turkey and it still continues to introduce the best fish and sea products in world oceans to Turkish consumers.
He opened the first private fish market of Turkey in Sagun Aquaculture Istanbul / Sancaktepe.
He established sea bream and sea bass farm by completing sea bream and sea bass investment in Izmır. He started the harvesting and exportation of the fish in 2012.
He opened the most modern facilities of Turkey in terms of aquaculture in Antalya. EU exportation number of the facility was published on the official website in 2012.
The fish harvested in sea bream and sea bass farms was packaged in the vessel over the sea in Turkey for the first time. EU exportation number of the vessel was published on the official website within the same year.
Exportation was carried out by starting rainbow trout production with trout farms established in Kayseri.
Factory construction was carried out in Aydin-Soke for the production of fish feed in high standards by signing partnership agreement with Danish Biomar, which is one of the biggest fish feed producer of the world.
A company was established in Libya for tuna hunting in Libya and hunter ship in charge for the sake of Sagun was sent to Libya.
He opened Aydin-Soke Biomar-Sagun Fish Feed Facility and fish packaging facility in Izmir-Urla.
Local farms operating in Izmir were incorporated and production capacity was increased.